Wednesday 15 December 2010

Zombies as consumerist metaphore.

I have chosen Stephen Harper's Zombies, Malls, and the Consumerism Debate:
George Romero's Dawn of the Dead
from Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present), Fall 2002, Volume 1, Issue 2

I have chosen this piece as it not only affirms the academic argument that zombies can be interperated as a metaphor for consumerism. It also challenges this concept and makes suggestions for alternative readings of the zombie.
Due to the dual representations of this journal article is provides my FYP with valuable support by providing academic referencing for both the existing idea which I aim to question, and the idea's which I aim to propose.

I will support my academic source by referencing George A Romero's Dawn of the Dead which Harpers text references.

I will include three question in my presention which will be;

What, if anything, identifies the trailer for Dawn of the Dead with consumerism?

If it is the Zombies who represent consumerism, why is it the living who spend the majority of the time partaking in consumerist acts?

If the setting of the Mall is removed, would this text appear as strongly as a consumerist text?

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